Tasting - Cabernet Sauvignon

 My other wine for this week was a Cabernet Sauvignon but by a different brand than before. One thing I wanted to experiment with is how much of a taste difference will there be when trying different brands of the same wine. This Cabernet Sauvignon is called Freakshow, A Michael David Joint. Honestly what drew me to this bottle is the design and labeling. It is so different and fun and unlike anything else I have seen on wine bottles. After looking at the website Michael David Winery, it seems as though he has this unique take on all of his wines which is so fun. This wine was bottled November 2021, was aged 10 months and was purchased at Kroger for $19.99. This wine was introduced in 2012 as a way to showcase the bold Cabernet Sauvignon grape varietal grown in California. Again, Cabernet Sauvignon is from the North Coast region of California, focusing on Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino, and Lake and it was interesting to read on page 76 that Cabernet grapes have the largest number of acres in California even from the early days in 1970. This definitely has to be the most popular wine to drink considering all the land used. When I drank this wine, I got almost a chocolate taste which was something I don't remember tasting with the last one I had. After this weeks lecture, I know that falls under the caramel category, but I also got some nutty tastes with it too but I couldn't exactly figure out specifics. Chocolate and nuts do go together though and are next to each other on the wheel so it must be popular. This red was smoother for me than other ones I have tried and I would definitely drink this again and I will finish the bottle! Many people in the reviews agreed that it was a nice tasting wine and was also very smooth. I did not find any negative reviews on this one! https://shop.michaeldavidwinery.com/product/2020-Freakshow-Cabernet-Sauvignon?_ga=2.239037314.388823017.1675645723-1973732787.1675645723


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